After The Controlled Demolition Of The Economy It’s Obvious Who Will Replace Trump – Investment Watch

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“Very interesting read on what the globalists may be planning to do to bring about their long desired socialist NWO. Given the giant debt bubble economy we now have it’s a very plausible scenario.”  Admin


In the months leading up to the 2016 election I had been predicting a Trump win based on a particular theory which I believe still holds true today – namely the theory that the global banking elites in power were allowing so-called “populist” movements in the US and Europe to gain political traction near the very end of the decade long “Everything Bubble”. Once populist groups were entrenched and feeling overconfident, the cabal would then tighten liquidity into existing economic weakness and crash the system on their heads. Populists would get the blame for an economic disaster that the central banks had engineered many years in advance.


Once enough suffering had been dealt to the populace, globalists and extreme leftists would arrive on the scene to offer anti-populism as a solution; meaning the centralization and socialization of everything on a scale never before witnessed except perhaps in the darkest days of the Bolshevik Revolution.


Read More: It’s Obvious Who Will Replace Trump After The Controlled Demolition Of The Economy – Investment Watch