Isn’t it about time to stop this ugly business? | John Rachel

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“The article lists 30 countries since 1949 that the US has sponsored coups and revolutions in. The meddling will stop, as people have seen in dreams and visions from God, but not in a way any of us living here will like. We will reap what we have sown.”  Admin

Isn’t it about time to stop this ugly business of meddling in other countries and overthrowing governments?

Here’s the short list of U.S.-backed coups over just the past six-plus decades . . .

Moreover, it’s no secret that we’re at it again right now with Venezuela, and a poorly-kept secret that Russia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Bolivia, probably another shot at Cuba, and (you heard it here first) Kyrgyzstan, are also in the queue.

Read More  Isn’t it about time to stop this ugly business? | John Rachel.