Is evolution supported by science or is it all bluff? –

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The media often give the impression that evolution is scientific because scientists can tell us how it happened. In reality, the supposedly ‘factual’ accounts of where the universe came from and how the earth’s plant and animal life evolved are no more than imaginative stories. When pressed for details, the more honest scientists will sometimes admit that they really don’t know.


The big bang


According Professor Brian Cox, “You cannot claim that there wasn’t a big bang because you can see it”.1 Here he is not referring to the big bang itself, but what he believes to be its ‘afterglow’, a background heat that fills the universe, a remnant of the ‘original fireball’. What he doesn’t let on, however, is that this ‘afterglow’ (known as the Cosmic Microwave Background or ‘CMB’) is also a major problem for the theory. Explosions result in chaos; but the CMB is extremely smooth and even across the universe—the very opposite of what we would expect.2


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