Is Bad Ol’ CO2 Warming The Earth? Not Even Close! ? Conservative Firing Line

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Is carbon dioxide really a greenhouse gas?

Earlier this year, the Democrat Senate Budget Committee’s chairman invited Gus Schumacher, Olympic cross-country skier, to testify as an expert witness on climate change concerning “the impact of global warming on the $1.1 trillion outdoor recreation industry.”


Mr. Schumacher stated that carbon dioxide is “a huge part of our atmosphere,” but then expressed he was not sure what carbon dioxide (CO2) is. Sen. John Kennedy explained that “Democrats want to spend $50 TRILLION to become carbon neutral” and that committee testimony is meant to justify spending the money. Continuing, Kennedy explained that carbon dioxide only makes up about 0.04% of the gases of our atmosphere.


Earth’s atmosphere consists of “78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases.” So, methane must be the problem, right? Methane is in that group of “small amounts of other gases” and actually is 0.000191% of the Earth’s atmosphere, so it is even less of a problem.


Why, then, would anyone think CO2 is a problem greenhouse gas? In 1859 Irish physicist John Tyndall conducted an experiment showing that carbon dioxide and water vapor absorbed heat and radiated heat. He was attributed credit for demonstrating “the physical basis of the greenhouse effect.”


Since then, ideas have been propagated by groups like National Geographic to express that “greenhouse gases allow the sun’s light to shine onto Earth’s surface … [and] trap the heat that reflects back from the surface …like the glass walls of a greenhouse.”


Not until the 1940s was the first infrared (IR) spectrometer built. In 1957 PerkinElmer developed the first low-cost IR spectrometer. In 1969 Digilab (now Agilent technologies) pioneered the first FTIR (making this type of analysis available to laboratories). Why is this important? FTIR instrumentation shows the energies light molecules absorb.


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