Intelligent Design: why the fuss, and what is it about? –

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The important Ben Stein movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, has certainly helped to put “intelligent design” (ID) in the spotlight.

Taking advantage of this interest in ID, CMI carried out several “design” tours in various countries in 2008. CMI’s Creation magazine has for decades included articles about design. CMI’s Dr Jonathan Sarfati is the author of the best selling creation book ever written—Refuting Evolution. His newest book is By Design, a comprehensive creationist book on the subject of design.

As Expelled shows, ID is really a subset of the broader “origins” controversy. It is limited to simply opposing the notion of an undesigned world, the evolutionary result of blind natural forces. Most Christians, though often sadly unconcerned about the how or when of creation, see design vs. non-design as a “no-brainer.” It’s obvious that this world didn’t make itself.

But there’s much more at stake in a discussion about origins. The reliability and accuracy of the Bible is crucial to the Christian faith, especially in regard to Genesis, wherein Scripture purports to give real history. Since Genesis history includes the origin of sin and death, it is crucially foundational to the logic of the gospel: a good world, ruined by sin, to be restored in the future.

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