Indigenous Believers Leave Their Homes Rather Than Deny Christ | Open Doors USA

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“Would we make the same decision if faced with similar circumstances? Something to think about.”  Admin

In a small village in Colombian, 139 indigenous believers had bravely chosen to leave their livelihoods and familiar homes rather than deny Christ. As they sat together, contemplating their situation, the enormous needs facing them were impossible to ignore. Some of them secretly wondered whether or not they had made the right decisions.

The indigenous authorities in their village approached them last year with the demand that they sign a document renouncing their beliefs or face the consequences. Overwhelmed by what awaited them if they refused, they agreed to sign the document. Unable to shake the conviction that they had made the wrong decision, they removed their names from the document. Rather than face violent consequences, they chose to leave the region in April 2013, and walk away from everything they had ever known.

“Despite being threatened and tortured, I cannot renounce Jesus,” shared one of the Christian men involved. “I made the decision to follow him.”

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