In this series of short videos, roughly 11 min. long, from Det. Jimmy Wallace he answers such questions as Was King David Real, What Does God Value, Does The Multiverse Theory Make God Necessary, Aren’t All Religions The Same and many more.
Answering Big Old Testament Questions
Do Christians Follow the Old Testament God?
Why the Case for Christianity Fails to Prove Mormonism
Is There Really No Evidence for the Multiverse?
Is it Possible to Read the Bible on Its Own Terms?
Was King David Real?
Does the Multiverse Theory Make God Unnecessary?
What Does God Value?
Did the Disciples Hallucinate the Resurrection?
How the Principle of Charity Could Change Our Christian Conversations
How Our Assumptions Impact Our Conversations About God
Aren't All Religions the Same?
Has the Truth About Jesus Been Distorted Over Time?
How Should We Interpret the Bible?
What's Unique About Christianity?
Why Should Spiritual Seekers Begin with Jesus?
Does True Faith Require Me to Ignore the Evidence?
What is Apologetics?
Why Does God Allow Evil?
Why Trust the Followers of Jesus?
Was the Tomb of Jesus Really Empty?
Does the Mere Existence of Christian Denominations Invalidate Christianity?
How the Life of Paul Makes the Case for Christianity
Why It's Important to Focus on the Essential Evidence for Christianity
Why Cumulative Cases Including the Case for Christianity are Powerful
Even if God Exists Why Should We Believe the Christian Version?
Should We Interpret the Bible Literally?
Is Our Faith and Belief Based on One Piece of Evidence?
Is It Reasonable to Believe in a Personal God?
How Should Christians Respond to Hardship?
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