In India, the Persecution No One’s Talking About – Open Doors USA

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What’s happening to Christians in the South Asia country and why?


One of the 64 million Christians in India, Reena* grew up in persecution.


“When I was a young child, Hindu children did not want to play with me,” recalls Reena, now age 19. “Later, my parents were banned from using the local water supply. They had to walk many kilometers to draw water from the river.”


Over the last three years, the persecution Reena endured as a child has increased and intensified in her home country of 1.3 billion people. The 2018 World Watch List ranks India at #11, up from #25 in 2015 and up from #15 in 2017—four spots in one year.


Research by local partners of Open Doors indicates that Christian persecution-related incidents in India are reaching new heights every year. In 2013, 151 incidents were reported, while the number of reported incidents grew to 147 in 2014. In 2015, the numbers grew to 181, and in 2016 a staggering number of 443 such incidents were reported–15 did not survive the violence. The first quarter of 2017 saw 248 instances in which Christians were harassed, threatened or attacked for their faith.


The reported cases are only the tip of the iceberg, according to an Open Doors spokesman. “Before Christians are threatened or physically harmed,” he says, “there has often been a long process of ‘re-converting’ them to Hinduism, during which they faced discrimination, social exclusion and other types of pressure.”


Looking at the statistics, it’s evident—and undeniable—that Christians in India are and have been for quite some time the targets of persecution, torture, and oppression at the hands of their fellow countrymen.


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