‘I started reaching for the Bible instead of reaching for the bottle’ | Christian News on Christian Today

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Steph Macleod, 33, is a singer songwriter who lives near Edinburgh. Nine years ago he was an alcoholic and a drug addict and sleeping rough on the streets. He now has a wife and three children and is a born-again Christian. He shares his story of how he came to be free of addiction.

How did you get into alcohol and drugs?

I was a very talented classical guitarist. I went to music school and studied classical guitar at Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. My parents had split up when I was 15, and it was a horrible separation, I was really hurt by the things that had happened. I’m an only child and the comfort zone in my family was just torn to bits. I went out and started to party and started drinking and smoking, and before I knew it I was smoking hash, and then looking for the next high which was class A drugs like ecstasy or cocaine. By the time I went to music college I was drinking really heavily.

The first year was a blur because the banks throw all this money at you and you’re liberated from parental rule. There was so much alcohol and womanising – so studying was way down on my list of priorities. I was drinking a bottle of vodka before I was going out, and I was just 19 years old. I couldn’t do something unless I was drunk or using drugs. I ended up having to leave the course because I didn’t fulfil its obligations.

Then I just lost the plot I punched a wall so hard that I broke the bones in my hand, so that was the end of my classical guitar career. I fell into a deeper hole of drink and drugs. I was just in fear all the time, fear about having to cope with studies, having no money, being an addict but not really knowing I was an addict.

Read More  ‘I started reaching for the Bible instead of reaching for the bottle’ | Christian News on Christian Today.

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