How You Should Truly Seek the Lord — Charisma Magazine

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“A good lesson from the Old Testament.” Admin


How do we truly seek the Lord? This question has been marinating in my thoughts for the past few weeks. The answer seems pretty straight forward, but there is more to it than meets the eye.

As I was reading through 1 Samuel recently, the Lord showed me something I had not noticed before. In the story of Samuel, I usually focus on what God and Samuel are doing, without stepping back and seeing the big picture. This time, I saw the bigger picture.

Samuel is the last of Israel’s judges. This was a time when “everyone did what was right in their own eyes” (Judg. 21:25). When Samuel comes on the scene as young man, the word of the Lord was rare. But God revealed Himself to Samuel, because Samuel sought the Lord, and word spread throughout Israel.


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