How Trials Can Help You Fall More in Love With Jesus –

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“Being able to handle trials properly will be of increasing importance as we see the growing spiritual darkness around us.”  Admin

We grow in the tough times, not the easy times. Hard places will always come in our journey with the Lord. We cannot escape them but need to face them, for they are part of the process of becoming perfect in Him. If you choose to run from them, you will seriously hinder your growth.

As you overcome different obstacles, you will be stronger and more compassionate. You will fall more in love with Jesus. If you have come out of hardships and do not feel this way, you have probably not recovered from offense. Recovery is your choice. Some people get hurt and never recover. As cruel as this may sound, it was their choice.

Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered. Peter learned obedience by the things he suffered. Paul learned obedience by the things he suffered. What about you? Have you learned? Or are you hard, calloused, cold, bitter and resentful? Then you did not learn obedience.

Yes, it’s true that there are some offenses that will not go away like “water off a duck’s back.” You will have to work through them, striving to get free. But in that process you will grow and mature.

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