How to say bye bye to constipation

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By Hesh Goldstein

Constipation is more than a troublesome condition. It is an
insidious drain on the health of millions of people.

As bowel transit time is increased, the doo doo becomes
hardened and difficult to pass due to dehydration.

The body slowly reabsorbs the fluid content in the feces and
along with it many soluble toxins.

This “autobulkification” is the reason people are suffering
from constipation have coated tongues, foul breath, lack of energy, and
difficulty in thinking. These poisons affect every area of the body.

Fiber deficiency and constipation are associated with
diverticulitis, appendicitis, and colon cancer.

The small, hardened doo doo is very difficult for the normal
intestinal peristaltic actions to deal …read more



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