How to Find an Exceptional Doctor – theepochtimes

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From 1969 to 1976, “Marcus Welby, M.D.” was one of television’s most popular shows. Dr. Marcus Welby was often called “the good doctor” because he made house calls, oozed wisdom, and had a caring bedside manner.


Since then, television has depicted a host of other smart, compassionate doctors. There’s even a series currently running called “The Good Doctor.” Most of these TV physicians are amazing. They can save lives while flirting across the surgical table. Some are known for their unique ability to make an accurate “zebra diagnosis.” That medical term refers to situations where run-of-the-mill diagnoses abound (picture a big herd of common horses), but then a gifted doctor shows up and offers an exotic, but accurate, “zebra” diagnosis that no one had previously considered. This especially savvy doctor identifies the problem right away, prescribes the best treatment, and saves the patient.


Good doctors like Marcus Welby might seem rare (in fact, like zebras themselves), but the reality is that they’re out there. I know this from many years of medical practice, and also from being a patient myself. So why do so many patients have trouble finding them?


How does one choose? What criteria make for a good doctor? While “good” may seem somewhat nebulous, there are a few qualities and traits you need to look for when selecting a primary care physician. In “Principles of Biomedical Ethics,” Tom Beauchamp and James Childress list four ethical standards as non-negotiable for doctors:


Beneficence: acting for the patient’s good


Non-maleficence: doing no harm


Autonomy: giving each patient a right to voice her own values and make her own choices about medical care


Justice: distributing health care resources equitably and treating patients fairly


Let’s unpack and expand that list from a patient’s perspective.


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