How an experienced medical professional deals with evidence that goes against his belief system – Steve Kirsch

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“A fascinating example of CDC/FDA blinders worn by many doctors who consider any evidence presented that contradicts those agencies viewpoints as misinformation and not worthy of discussion. It’s this kind of thinking that’s prolonging this “plandemic” by ignoring early treatment and safe alternatives to the Jabs. Sad.” Admin


Today, December 25, I sent my friend Dr. Cohen a message with a link to an article “More VC Nurses Blow Whistle on ‘Overwhelming’ Numbers of Heart Attacks, Clotting, Strokes” which describes what is really going on in hospitals. Here’s an excerpt:


“It has never been this busy, and none of it is Covid-19,” Dana says. “We don’t normally see this amount of strokes, aneurysms and heart attacks all happening at once. … Normally we’ll see six to ten aortic dissections a year. We’ve seen six in the last month. It’s crazy. Those have very high rates of mortality.”


The article is one of the few to appear in the press about what is really going on in hospitals. The reason for this is that doctors and nurses are both licensed professions and there are far too many cases of these professionals having their licenses revoked if they say anything that contradicts the CDC narrative of “safe and effective.” Even a single tweet can cause your license to be revoked.


I asked him a very simple question: “Are you going to speak out or remain silent?”


His response was to completely discredit those healthcare professionals who risked their career to speak out:


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