How a Mysterious Ding Dong Ditch Saved a Family from a Fire – Guideposts

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It’s one of the oldest pranks in the book: the “ding dong ditch.” The prankster rings the victim’s doorbell, then quickly runs away or hides before the resident answers. The unsuspecting victim drops what they’re doing to answer the door, only to find that no one’s there.


Sharon Mardis, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, a widow and mother of four, told ABC News that she suspected she’d been a victim of the prank when she responded to her ringing doorbell at 1:00 a.m.


“My doorbell started ringing, and I came to the door,” Sharon told ABC News. “There was nobody at the door. I went back in the house. Got 10 to 20 feet and the doorbell started ringing again. I came back to the door, nobody at the door.”


Read More: How a Mysterious Ding Dong Ditch Saved a Family from a Fire