How a Divine Calling Brings Life Purpose | Guideposts

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“I can relate to this. I graduated from college with a degree in geology and was preparing to go to graduate school on an assistantship. However that summer I had a strong feeling within that this was not what I should do so I contacted the university and told them I wasn’t coming.


Shortly thereafter I saw an ad for a computer school on TV and the thought of going into the field of data processing grabbed my attention. To make a long story short, I went to that school and eventually had a long career as a computer programmer/analyst before retiring some years ago. The Lord prompted me to launch this site in Jan. of 2013. Had I not followed that inward feeling years ago to change the career path I was on this site would most likely not exist.” Admin


Have you ever felt called to a purpose? I remember the exact moment I knew I was meant to be a writer. I was in my fifth-grade computer lab. A friend and I had finished our assignment early. “Let’s write a story,” my friend said. It was as if a light had switched on. Not over my head. In my heart. I just knew this was what I was meant to do with my life. For years, I sensed there was something special about this moment. It was an inflection point. Recently I wondered—could what I experienced have been the tug of a divine calling?


Examples abound in the Bible. Time and again, God calls upon people to take action. As when God called on Jonah to travel to Nineveh.


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