Homology — do common structures imply common ancestor? (Creation Magazine LIVE! 3-24)

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Similarities in living things is hailed as knock-down evidence for evolution. This week, find out why it actually powerfully supports Biblical creation.

The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format.

Related Articles:
Do similarities between creatures prove that they had a common ancestor? (from the Creation Answers Book, Chapter 7) (http://creation.com/cab7)
Homology made simple (http://creation.com/homology-made-simple)
Are look-alikes related? (http://creation.com/are-look-alikes-related)
Apes and Humans: 99% similar? (Creation Magazine LIVE! Season 2 Ep# 23) (http://creation.com/cml2-23)
Estimates of Human-Chimp DNA similarity revaluated using omitted data (http://creation.com/chimp)
Does Homology provide evidence for evolutionary naturalism? (http://creation.com/homology2)

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