Homeschooling produces stronger faith when adults –

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Besides providing superior academic achievement and socialization, homeschooling has proven to be linked to producing stronger Christian beliefs and behaviors for home learners when they become adults.

A Closer LookBoth homeschooling and frequent church attendance are positively connected to children exhibiting a devout Christian faith in adulthood, according to a new online survey conduct by the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI). When children and teens have one-on-one instruction from their parents and receive weekly spiritual guidance at church, they develop a stalwart faith as millennials (18?38-year-olds).

NHERI also found that more years of homeschooling is linked to making more moral decisions as grown-ups. The study interviewed adults older than 17 and younger than 39 years of age and asked them a number of questions to determine the main sources of their faith — or their falling away.

“Young adults who said their fathers explained ‘biblical principles’ to them on a daily or weekly basis growing up were significantly more likely to say they lived by typical Christian behavior as adults by praying, volunteering, reading the Bible, and attending church frequently and avoiding pornography, marijuana use, abortion, and co-habitation,” reports Daniel James Divine of World Magazine.

Read More  Homeschooling produces stronger faith when adults.

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