Harris endorsement by “police leaders” group is really a bait and switch by radical liberal activists | Law Enforcement Today | lawenforcementtoday.com

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“This article exposes the questionable ‘police organization’, created in June 2024 obviously for political purposes, as just another gaslighting of the American people by this shameless fraud Harris regarding her record on crime.  For all our sakes please pray that Trump wins in Nov.” Admin


Let’s set the record straight, Fox News: “Police Leaders for Community Safety” is a far cry from a “leading law enforcement group” or “nonpartisan,” despite the headline. The group’s recent endorsement of Kamala Harris for president is a stark contradiction to their name and a clear departure from the sentiments of rank-and-file police officers.


On Monday, Fox News reported that “Police Leaders for Community Safety” endorsed Kamala Harris for president. This endorsement defies common sense and opposes the sentiments of rank-and-file police officers.


The endorsement by political hacks follows the earlier this month endorsement of former President Donald Trump by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The FOP represents over 325,000 men and women who serve in law enforcement. As the world’s largest law enforcement media company, Law Enforcement Today also endorsed President Trump.


The decision by the group of primarily retired police chiefs and sheriffs proves they are out of touch with rank-and-file police officers, who have watched Democrats, including Kamala Harris, side with criminals over those who protect and serve.


While Harris touts herself as having a record as a “tough prosecutor,” much of that was putting low-level marijuana dealers in jail for long periods. However, when it comes to real criminals, such as those who burned down a Minneapolis police precinct and assaulted police officers, Harris encouraged people to support a bail fund to let them out of jail.


Read More: Harris endorsement by “police leaders” group is really a bait and switch by radical liberal activists | Law Enforcement Today | lawenforcementtoday.com