Guess Who Made This Astute Observation

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Guess who made this astute observation on the decline of W. civilization in the US and Europe. He has a much better grasp of the dangerous path we are headed down than most people and politicians in the West do.

“Many Euro-Atlantic states deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization. In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural, and even gender identities are being denied or relativized. There, politics treats a family with many children as juridically equal to a homosexual partnership; faith in God is equal to faith in Satan. Many people in European countries are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are frightened to speak about them. Their leaders then try to force this model onto other countries. I am deeply convinced that this leads to the degradation and primitivization of culture globally, including deeper demographic and moral crises in the West.”

Vladimir Putin