‘Grand Theft Auto’ as a Reflection on the State of the Nation

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The article in the NY Daily News about the release of Grand Theft Auto V, a video game expected to make $1 billion in the first month, began with these words: “The game of crime pays—even in the wake of another gun massacre.”

The article continues, “The latest installment of the ultraviolent video game franchise Grand Theft Auto will generate $1 billion in sales in one month, analysts predict—despite Monday’s massacre at the Washington Navy Yard that killed 12 people.”

These are staggering numbers. How many products of any kind—let alone a $60 video game—make that kind of money? And what, exactly, are people getting for their bucks?

Writing with concern from England, James Delingpole reports, “Yesterday, in the process of robbing a bank, I beat up an elderly security guard before shooting dead perhaps 15 policemen, exulting in their murders with the flip dismissal: ‘Shouldn’t have been a cop.’

Read More  ‘Grand Theft Auto’ as a Reflection on the State of the Nation.

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