GraceLife Pastor Takes Church Underground: ‘The Church Isn’t A Building, It’s a Blood-Bought People’ | Harbingers Daily

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Canadian Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church held services this weekend. Normally, this would be an unremarkable fact – but given he was recently been released from jail only to see his church fenced off and shut down by authorities, it’s made this worship service all the more impactful.


Earlier today, GraceLife published their service online, with congregants faces blurred out of the picture.


Pastor Coates greeted those in attendance at the “undisclosed location” by saying, “they can take our facility, but we’ll just find another one.”


A few moments later, two gentlemen (who were only identified in the video as Joe and John) came forward to lead the congregation in song. One of the men began by saying, “Did you ever think you’d be part of the underground church?”


Read More: GraceLife Pastor Takes Church Underground: ‘The Church Isn’t A Building, It’s a Blood-Bought People’ | Harbingers Daily