God’s Design in Creation: Water Strider Legs and Leafhopper Eggs | Answers in Genesis

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Evidence of our Lord’s creativity and attention to detail can be seen throughout his creation, from the large to the very tiny, from the flashy to the drab. All you have to do is open your eyes and look. Here are two examples involving insects you’ve probably seen before but perhaps never thought much about: the water strider and the leafhopper.


My, What Beautiful Legs You Have


Water striders are a familiar sight on ponds and other bodies of water around the world. Belonging to the family Gerridae are 2,200 species of this insect that is commonly known by several names: water striders, water bugs, pond skaters, water skippers, or even Jesus bugs.1


Water striders “walk” (or, really, skate) across the surface of the water. They are able to do this because of water’s natural surface tension and because their long legs distribute their weight. These legs are covered with thousands of tiny hairs that shed water, keeping the strider dry, but, more importantly, keeping it from being bogged down with extra weight.


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