God Has No Favorites – Kenneth E. Hagin

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WHY DON’T SOME people believe that their faith in God will work? I know from experience that a lot of people have faith in my faith and the faith of others. But they do not have confidence that their own faith in God will work. For some reason, they do not believe in themselves. They do not believe in what Christ has wrought for them. They do not believe who and what they are in Christ Jesus.

This kind of thinking can defeat anyone. When we don’t know the truth of God’s Word, Satan can rob us of the blessings God intended for us to have and enjoy in Christ.

A Bible fact that gave me faith was this: God, my Heavenly Father, does not have any favorite children. He loves every one of us with the same love.

Sometimes natural parents have a favorite child, but God doesn’t have any favorites. Get that fact down in your spirit by saying out loud, “God has no favorites.”

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