Globalist ‘death cult’ launches all-out war on the essential elements of life: MUST-WATCH VIDEO | SGT Report

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The globalist assault on life is ratcheting up and attacking from all angles, like never before. This should signal us that we are in the end times and the enemy has triggered his end-game scenario. In baseball, you always save your best pitcher for the last inning, when you need to close the game out.


That’s what Satan is doing now. Amazingly, his minions actually think they can win and they’re throwing everything they’ve got at us, sending their best players and deceivers into positions. It’s late in the game.


The backsliders and the pretenders are fading into the woodwork and the believers with fire in their bellies are stepping forward, running toward the sound of the explosions, to the front lines, where the action is. Patrick Wood is one such man. A fighter. He posts many of my articles on his site, Technocracy.News. The article below by Patrick is accompanied by a bonus video from Mike Adams, which is only 17 minutes long but very powerful. Please take it all in and share with your pastors, friends and family.


Read More: Globalist ‘death cult’ launches all-out war on the essential elements of life: MUST-WATCH VIDEO | SGT Report