Gilding the (sea) lily—Evolutionists’ absurd defense of their long-age story

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For a hundred years, this evidence of rapid burial in recent history has been right under evolutionists’ noses—yet even now they still claim these crinoid fossils are 350 million years old


by David Catchpoole

Published: 19 March 2013 (GMT+10)

The photograph at right appeared in an Ohio State University press release, with the following caption:

Different species of the sea animals known as crinoids display different colors in these 350-million-year-old fossils. Ohio State University researchers have found organic compounds sealed within the pores of these fossilized animals’ skeletons. Photo by William Ausich, courtesy of Ohio State University.”1

Now, there’s a major problem with that caption. Can you spot it?

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via Gilding the sea lily crinoid organic molecules mississippian.

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