Getting Unstuck in Your Fitness: Stop Making Excuses

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“Check out the articles in the health category for more good information on improving your overall fitness.”  Admin

I recently shared with you about surrendering your body to God. This surrendering is where we all must start in order to reach our goals.

Have you come to the point of surrender? I hope so. This month, we will consider the second part of getting unstuck in our fitness, and that is the subject of excuses.

I have come up with the three Ts: time, tired, taste.

I hear this first one so often: “Well, I just don’t have time to exercise.” Let me tell you the truth: If you don’t have time to exercise today, then you’d better go ahead and block out some time for illness later on because it is possible that God is going to shut your body down. Then you’re going to have to have a lot of time to go to doctors.

Read More  Getting Unstuck in Your Fitness: Stop Making Excuses.

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