Gates Insider Warns Covid-Vaxxed Face ‘Wave’ of ‘Deaths’

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“Lets pray that this does not happen. There is a short video clip later in the article from his interview with Steve Kirsch” Admin

A world-renowned virologist, who served as Bill Gates’s lead vaccine advisor, has warned the public that a “wave” of “unprecedented deaths” is looming for those who received Covid mRNA injections.

Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation scientist and vaccine expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has blown the whistle to warn of a coming “wave of morbidity” and “mortality” among the Covid-vaccinated.

Dr. Bossche has warned that population numbers worldwide will soon experience a “completely unprecedented” plunge.

Bossche predicts that “up to 30-40%” of the general public will soon die “in highly vaccinated countries.”

The top scientist raised the alarm during an interview with vaccine expert and investigator Steve Kirsch.

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