FTX: The Biggest Scandal Of Our Lifetime Is Currently Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes…

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“One can only hope that this scandal won’t be buried but will start the downfall of the fraudulent, corrupt Biden regime and the entire demoncrat party. Lets pray that God will allow the truth about this to come out and expose the criminals behind it.” Admin


I don’t like to use hyperbole too often because then you become the boy who cried wolf and people don’t listen to you as much.

So I’m careful with headlines like this, and I wrote this one intentionally because I believe it is true.

Folks, this is the big one, and it may just be the thing that ends up taking down not only Joe Biden but the entire crooked Democrat party.

Let me explain…

You’ve probably heard about a company called FTX recently and its “founder” Sam Bankman-Fried, who goes by “SBF”.

If you’ve found the story confusing or too hard to follow, let me explain it really simply, because it is simple.

SBF appears to be a Government spook (or “Useful Idiot”, we’re not sure which yet).

But what is clear is the guy is mostly a complete bumbling idiot, and yet somehow rose to control billions, running one of the largest crypto exchanges out there.

Remember those Super Bowl ads with Tom Brady and Larry David?

That was FTX.

It rose up out of almost nowhere to suddenly be this behemoth.


Source: The Biggest Scandal Of Our Lifetime Is Currently Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes…