Former Satanist: When You Live in Fear, You’re Giving the Devil Real Estate — Charisma Magazine

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We hear a lot about fear in the media these days, so much so that fear has almost become normalized. We have fears for our health, fears for our children and fears for the future. But should fear be normal in the life of a believer?


On a recent episode of the Prophetic Spiritual Warfare podcast, host Kathy DeGraw and guest John Ramirez say a collective no. Ramirez, a former Satanist who was, as he says, “a general in the kingdom of darkness,” tells listeners, “Fear is a choice. I can be fearful; who can be courageous? It’s a decision that you make.” His new book, Destroying Fear, unpacks this topic and helps bring believers into the courageous identity God has intended for them all along.


Read More: Former Satanist: When You Live in Fear, You’re Giving the Devil Real Estate — Charisma Magazine

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