Florida lawmakers advancing bills to block the sale of LAB-GROWN MEAT in the Sunshine State – NaturalNews.com

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“As a resident of FL I’m all for halting the sale of such “cultivated meat” until, as the article notes, much more testing is done to insure there are no long term health consequences from consuming such meat.” Admin


Lawmakers in Florida are advancing a set of bills that aim to ban the sale of lab-grown meat in the Sunshine State over safety concerns.


The Epoch Times reported that both houses of the Florida Legislature have pushed such proposals – House Bill (HB) 1071 for the Florida House of Representatives and Senate Bill (SB) 1084 for the Florida Senate. Both HB 1071 and SB 1084 have the same text and aim for the same purpose.


Read More: Florida lawmakers advancing bills to block the sale of LAB-GROWN MEAT in the Sunshine State – NaturalNews.com

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