Flavonoids in strawberries may hold the key to slowing aging and preventing degenerative disease

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By Lori Alton, staff writer

(NaturalHealth365). There is one point on which experts in both alternative and Western medicine wholeheartedly agree: brightly-colored fruits and vegetables – such as purple Concord grapes, brilliant orange pumpkins, and ruby-red raspberries – are rich in antioxidant plant pigments that can help ward off chronic degenerative diseases. And, research has just revealed yet another benefit of “eating the rainbow.” Two flavonoids in vibrant red strawberries, fisetin, and quercetin, have been recognized by scientists for their ability to destroy “senile” cells in the body.

Senile cells, also known as senescent cells, accelerate the aging process while …read more

Source: Natural Health 365


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