Flashback: 1965 Life Magazine showed life begins at conception – WND

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“Times have certainly changed.”  Admin


In 1973, when the Supreme Court created out of the “emanations” of the “penumbra” of the Constitution the right to kill the unborn, the judges weren’t sure when life began.


They should have been.


After all, the editors of Life magazine documented life in the womb in a 1965 cover story featuring a vivid and unforgettable photo display.


“Drama of Life Before Birth” was published eight years before the justices struggled with the concept of life’s beginnings.


The non-profit Liberty Counsel, which regularly defends the life of the unborn in court, pointed out the feature was “an unprecedented photographic feat for the 1960s” that documented “the stages of growth of an unborn baby from fertilization to 28 weeks.”


In the section detailing fertilization, the article states, “The birth of a human life really occurs at the moment the mother’s egg cell is fertilized by one of the father’s sperm cells.”


Science repeatedly has affirmed that statement.


Abortion has been in headlines recently because of New York’s adoption of a provision allowing it until the moment of birth.



Read More: Flashback: 1965 Life Magazine showed life begins at conception – WND

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