Finding Noah’s Ark: Documentary Explores Ongoing Search for Biblical Vessel | Christian News Network

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Is Noah’s Ark still hiding somewhere today, waiting to be discovered? A documentary coming to theaters nationwide next week explores the ongoing search for the world’s most famous vessel and documents the dangers involved in the centuries-old quest.

According to the Bible, Noah constructed an enormous wooden ark to house his family and representatives of the different animal kinds during the Great Flood. After the floodwaters subsided, the ark came to rest “upon the mountains of Ararat,” according to Genesis 8:4.

Today, Mount Ararat is the tallest mountain in Turkey, with a towering, snow-capped summit and an elevation of nearly 17,000 feet. It consists of two dormant volcanic cones—Greater Ararat and Lesser Ararat.

Is the ark resting somewhere on Mount Ararat to this day? Many experts are convinced it is, and, on October 8, moviegoers around the country will have the chance to witness the latest attempts to locate the vessel.

Read More: Finding Noah’s Ark: Documentary Explores Ongoing Search for Biblical Vessel | Christian News Network