Film Shreds ‘Safe and Effective’ Mantra, Unmasks Pharma ‘Lies’ on COVID Shots • Children’s Health Defense

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Featuring interviews with experts discussing “inconvenient science,” the new documentary “Unsafe and Ineffective” exposes lies by pharmaceutical companies, public health officials and the mainstream media about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.


“The vaccine is safe and effective,” the newscaster asserts confidently, his words echoing the familiar mantra that dominated the public airwaves during the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.


The news clip is from the new documentary, “Unsafe and Ineffective,” produced by Aubrey Marcus and directed by Ben Joseph Stewart.


The filmmakers delve into the hidden realities of the COVID-19 vaccine launch, exposing the impact the vaccines had on countless lives worldwide and the lies and obfuscations of pharmaceutical companies, public health officials and the mainstream media.


Read More: Film Shreds ‘Safe and Effective’ Mantra, Unmasks Pharma ‘Lies’ on COVID Shots • Children’s Health Defense

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