Feinstein’s Bill to Kill Free Speech of Independent Journalists – activitistpost.com

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“I’m sure we’ll see more of these types of laws since press freedom is detested by tyrants or would be tyrants.”  Admin

After fending off numerous attacks on the freedom of the internet last year, activists and independent journalists alike are now facing another hurdle that flies in the face of freedom of the press, the “Journalist Shield Law“.

Although the bill is being sold by the Obama administration and establishment politicians in both parties as a positive step in protecting free speech, unfortunately the name of this bill is highly deceiving. Remembering just how unpatriotic the Patriot Act was, this new law, although deceivingly named, is likely to crush freedom of speech of any journalist not on a corporate payroll. According to the AP, this is how the bill defines who a real journalist is:

Read More  Activist Post: Feinstein’s Bill to Kill Free Speech of Independent Journalists ‘Has Votes’ to Pass Senate.