Feds Considering Regulating Websites

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“If such regulations are implemented I’m sure they will be used eventually if not immediately to stifle criticism of government actions claiming that such criticisms are attempting to “influence policy”. It’s only a matter of time before a war on Internet freedom will be launched. The free flow of information is abhorred by governments wanting only propaganda fed to the people.”  Admin

The U.S. Federal government recently said they are considering regulating websites. The Federal Election Commission indicated Wednesday that they are ready to open the door to new regulations on website content ranging from donors, as well as bloggers who use the Internet for what can be considered “influence of policy” or “political campaigns.”

On the surface, this sounds like a good thing to many. The point, they assume, is to keep corporate donors out of politics. But if that were what this was really all about, who would be so naive as to believe that the government would have suggested it?

Instead, new rules could regulate any website that could be demonstrated as having “influenced” policy. This net is so broad that most political blogs and alternative news sites (or mainstream new sites, for that matter), would be caught in it.

Read More  Feds Considering Regulating Websites.