FDA destroys business of anti-aging supplement manufacturer by classifying amino acid derivative as ‘unapproved drug’

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by Ethan Huff – NaturalNews.com

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has once again annihilated the business of a reputable dietary supplement company by arbitrarily declaring its primary product to be an “unapproved drug.” Those who now try to purchase the all-natural, human growth hormone (hGH)-promoting Trans-D Tropin formula are greeted with a lengthy message notifying the public that the formula is no longer available, thanks to the tyrannical actions of a rogue government agency.

According to the Trans-D Tropin website, the FDA sent a letter to the supplement’s manufacturer on April 26, 2013, notifying it that Trans-D Tropin …read more

Read more here: undergroundhealth.com


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