FDA Declares All Homeopathic Drugs Illegal Threatening Remedies for Millions of Americans

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By Admin – Orissa

Homeopathic medicine

FDA: All Homeopathic Drugs Illegal


But not all will be pulled from the market, yet. Action Alert!

The policy comes in the form of a guidance document, which lays out the FDA’s current position on the regulation of homeopathic drugs.

In the guidance, the FDA says:

  1. Any homeopathic drug that has not been considered “generally recognized as safe and effective” (GRAS/E) is considered a new drug;
  2. FDA has not determined that any homeopathic drugs are GRAS/E;
  3. A new drug cannot be marketed unless it goes through the FDA’s approval process;
  4. No homeopathic drugs …read more

    Source: Health Impact News


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