Fauci and Biden are Pathological Liars – PaulCraigRoberts.org

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Paul Craig Roberts


Both are alleging without providing a speck of evidence that 97% of Covid cases/hospitalizations/deaths are the unvaccinated. This is a total lie.


Information from every country shows that it is the vaccinated who are suffering injuries and deaths.


The “Omicron variant” is being used to create a new wave of public fear and government control over civil liberties and citizens’ bodies–essentially rape with a needle–despite the known fact that the variant is rarely harmful. Hospitals are falsely reported to be full of Omicron patients. The presstitute media stresses that the more or less harmless variant is highly contagious, and are creating fear out of the ease of catching it. People are urged to protect themselves by taking the jab even though it is a known fact that the Omicron variant is immune to the “vaccine.”


Acquaint yourself with the facts:


Read More: Fauci and Biden are Pathological Liars – PaulCraigRoberts.org

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