Faith Street – Guideposts

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He thought he was lost. But thanks to God’s grace he was right where he needed to be all along.


I was part of a missionary group that traveled to Craiova, Romania, after the fall of communism. One thing I relished was my morning prayer time. I found an out-of-the-way overgrown cemetery, the perfect place for meditation. I memorized the path: Turn right at the yellow fence, go up the hill toward the smell of baking bread, turn left at the rose garden, pass the two barking German shepherds then cross the sidewalk stained with mulberries.


One morning, though, I wasn’t able to find the usual landmarks. “Where am I? I don’t get lost this easy!” I said aloud. Finally I knelt down on the street next to the curb, bowed my head and had my morning prayers right there. Then I headed back to our lodging. The next day I had no trouble finding my way to my usual spot.

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