Fact-Filled Weekly Quiz

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1 Which seed powder do I recommend keeping in your kitchen at all times?

  • Pumpkin
  • Mustard

    Mustard seed contain compounds shown to inhibit cancer proliferation.
    Learn more.

  • Chia

2 Which body of water contains the largest “dead zone” in the world?

Dead Zone Water
  • Mediteranean Sea
  • Lake Superior
  • Gulf of Mexico

    Nitrogen fertilizers and sewage sludge runoff from factory farms are responsible for creating a dead zone.
    Learn more.

3 Which cancer accounts for 55 percent of all cancers in women?

Women Cancer
  • Obesity

    Cancers unrelated to obesity declined 13 percent between 2005 and 2014 while obesity-related cancer incidence rose by 7 percent.
    …read more

    Source: mercola


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