Extreme Power: Bangladesh – persecutionblog.com

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But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Acts 1:8

Since Abdullah accepted Jesus, his family had tried very hard to change his mind. After all, his father was a respected man in their village and in all of Bangladesh, having built a mosque right next to their property.

When talking didn’t convince Abdullah to return to Islam, they resorted to beating him. When beating didn’t work, they called others in to beat him more severely. Nothing worked; Abdullah tenaciously hung on to his faith in Christ. Finally, in exasperation, his mother stopped feeding him, putting only ashes on his plate. Abdullah prayed for God’s strength, and he stood strong.

Extreme DevotionAs a last resort, the family called on the mullah (an Islamic religious leader) to come and hold an Islamic ceremony to rid the boy of the “devil” that had taken over his life. The mullah came to their home and recited Muslim prayers over the boy. He chanted. He laid hands on the boy. He danced and he yelled. The Spirit inside Abdullah stood fast. After five hours, the mullah gave up, exhausted.

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