Explosive video series reveals ‘nightmare scenarios’ of ‘Kamala’s America’ * WorldNetDaily * by WND Staff

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“Excellent series of interviews, there are others below the first one in the article, detailing what a disaster for America it would be if Harris became president. The future of our country does ride on this election so vote and pray that Trump wins.” Admin


“I am not alone in believing this election is, really, the last shot we have in saving our country,” says Elizabeth Farah, co-founder of WND, now in its 28th year. The wife of veteran journalist and WND founder Joseph Farah, Elizabeth is laser-focused on helping inform and awaken as many Americans as possible between now and Election Day. In pursuit of that goal, she has launched an ambitious podcast show, daily interviewing some of the most knowledgeable and compelling experts, analysts and activists – all on the radioactive topic of “Kamala’s America: The Nightmare Scenarios Revealed.”


Today’s interview is with Eric Metaxas, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of “Bonhoeffer,” “Martin Luther,” “Amazing Grace,” “Miracles,” “Letter to the American Church,” “Religionless Christianity” and many other books, and a popular Christian broadcaster. Metaxas and Elizabeth Farah discuss “The Critical Point of No Return,” aka the upcoming presidential election.


Read/Watch: Explosive video series reveals ‘nightmare scenarios’ of ‘Kamala’s America’ * WorldNetDaily * by WND Staff