Ex-‘gay’: ‘I finally just walked away from that life’ – wnd.com

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After 25 years of fruitlessly searching for fulfillment in a homosexual lifestyle, George Carneal turned to faith in Jesus Christ, found the peace that eluded him and left his former life behind him.


Carneal tells his story in “From Queer to Christ: My Journey Into the Light.”


“Today, I’ve been on the road to celibacy for nine years and it actually has been great. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made for myself,” said Carneal. “I just want to be committed to God now. I’m not looking for relationships of any kind. I just want God to use me how he sees fit.”


Carneal’s struggle with same-sex attraction began at a young age but he didn’t act on it until after he graduated from high school.


“It was something I struggled with all through junior high and high school. After graduating and meeting a guy in a nearby town and just meeting up and having dinner and what have you. It just felt right for me and thought that’s what I was, that I was gay,” said Carneal.


For most of his life Carneal thought he was born gay. In the light of Scripture, he now knows that isn’t true.


Read More: Ex-‘gay’: ‘I finally just walked away from that life’

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