Evolution’s Four Fatal Flaws – Seminar by Dr. Heinz Lycklama

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Seminar by Dr. Heinz Lycklama
Apologetics Symposium
Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA
February 19th, 2015


It has become abundantly clear that evolutionary thinking is not based on scientific evidence. This lecture offers four major challenges to the “theory” of Evolution. 1) (Macro) Evolution has never been observed. It takes a giant leap in faith to get from (micro) evolution, which has been observed, to (macro) evolution.2) No credible transitional fossils have been identified in the 150 years since Darwin wrote “Origins of Species.” Evolution did not happen. 3) Life can/did not originate from non-life by random chance. Evolution can/will not happen. 4) Evolution is in conflict with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Evolution in fact is impossible. Evolution is a philosophy and a belief system, not science.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Heinz Lycklama earned a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics and a Ph. D. degree in experimental Nuclear Physics from McMaster University in Canada in 1965 and 1969 respectively. Since then he has worked in the telecommunications and computer software industries at Bell Telephone Laboratories in NJ and at Interactive Systems Corporation in CA.

Being challenged in his Christian faith by what he was taught in university in the 1960’s, Dr. Lycklama has always maintained an active interest in the Creation vs. Evolution controversy. As his children reached school age and began to ask questions about what they were taught in school, he became more involved in researching the topic of Creation vs. Evolution. He has developed a series of lectures on this topic over the years and presented the material in Sunday school classes, to college students, during church services and also at an overseas seminary.

Dr. Lycklama has taught through a number of the books of the Bible over the years, including Proverbs, Esther, Job, Jeremiah, Daniel, Romans, Philemon, Hebrews, Revelation, and various Psalms and Minor Prophets. His teaching also includes topics such as prophecy, angels, heaven, Christian worldview, cults, culture, Y2K, and various Old Testament prophets. With his knowledge of the Bible, and of science and engineering, Dr. Lycklama has continued to develop and present new material regarding the Creation v. Evolution controversy. He lectures regularly with Powerpoint Presentations that will help the believer defend the Bible’s teaching on Creation and challenge the skeptic to take an honest look at what the Bible AND science have to say about Creation.

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