Elon connects the dots in Dems’ election fraud plot, and he’s 100% spot-on… – Revolver News

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If you claim you want to save “precious democracy,” shouldn’t securing elections be the number one priority? Because without secure elections, there is no “precious democracy” to even save, right? This should be the question every media hack grills the Dems on, over and over again—but they never will. Why?

Because, let’s face it, they’re just a weaponized arm of the Dem Party, here to do their bidding. The truth is, nobody in this country works harder to turn our elections into a chaotic free-for-all than the Democrats. They don’t even want basic security measures like photo ID. They fight tooth-and-nail against it. As a matter of fact, they work to make sure illegals get what they need to actually vote.


Read More: Elon connects the dots in Dems’ election fraud plot, and he’s 100% spot-on… – Revolver News