Dr. Ryan Cole removed from one of Idaho’s largest health care networks

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Dateline 12/08/21

Dr. Ryan Cole who appears at a lot of Covid Health Summits sharing the truth about the dangers of these vaccines and the benefits of Ivermectin in treating Covid has been removed from St. Luke’s Health Partners, one of the largest health care networks in Idaho.

Naturally his truth telling has irked the medical establishment there who accuse him of making unfounded claims about vaccine health risks and touting unproven drugs to treat Covid i.e. Ivermectin, HCQ etc.

No matter how much evidence accumulates that these vaccines are dangerous and that Ivermectin and HCQ are very beneficial in treating Covid the medical establishment in general refuses to acknowledge any of it and prefers to persecute those who are bold enough to tell the truth, such is the sad state health care is in today. Please keep Dr. Cole and his family in your prayers.

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