Dr. Farella of America’s Frontline Doctors: No Covid jabs for kids – children have robust immune systems and confer immunity to adults

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Dr. Angelina Farella of America’s Frontline Doctors said children do not need the Covid-19 vaccine because they have robust immune systems and actually confer immunity to adults. Dr. Farella is a pediatrician based in Webster, Texas and member of America’s Frontline Doctors. The doctor said not only do children have a 99.997% survivability, they act as a buffer and actually confer immunity to adults. “Children have this very unique immune system, their system works a lot differently than adults,” Dr. Farella said in an interview with Rose Unplugged on 1320 AM WJAS. “Under the age of 14 specifically, they have …read more

Source: Sott health news feed


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