In this series Dr. Stanley answers many common questions Christians have.


How can I hear God's voice? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Why does God allow evil, pain, and suffering? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Is Jesus God? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Why do I suffer for Adam and Eve's sin? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Do we pray to the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How can I be sure of my calling? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Does fasting help? - Ask Dr. Stanley

I've made mistakes and don't feel connected to God - Ask Dr. Stanley

What does it mean to "take up my cross daily"? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How can I discipline my child without breaking their spirit? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How can I have a "personal, intimate relationship" with God? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How long do we suffer the consequences of a sin? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How can I remove strongholds in my life? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Struggling with sexual sin - Ask Dr. Stanley

"I have trouble believing in God" - Ask Dr. Stanley

How do I stop seeking the approval of others? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How to have a deep relationship with God - Ask Dr. Stanley

How can I recover from my past? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How will I know when it's time to stop praying? - Ask Dr. Stanley

What is glory, and why is it so important to God? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Can I hang out with unbelievers and be a good witness? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Why are there so many denominations? - Ask Dr. Stanley

What is wisdom? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Will God grant me my heart's desire? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How can you tell if someone is truly a believer? - Ask Dr. Stanley

How do I start having devotions? - Ask Dr. Stanley

What is the proper way to fear the LORD? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Is it okay to feel sad? - Ask Dr. Stanley

Contributing to the spiritual growth of nieces and nephews - Ask Dr. Stanley

How can I point my adult children to Christ? - Ask Dr. Stanley

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